Not sure if your local laboratory can handle your test sample? Worry no more! Developed by the Department of Science and Technology IX (DOST-IX), the OneLab Platform allows customers to submit their samples to the nearest DOST laboratory to have them tested - even if that lab currently does not have the means to process the said sample.

This is possible through the OneLab Referral System, which basically takes you through a quick, 5-step process:

  • Submit your sample to the nearest DOST lab
  • The system is checked for a lab that can best process your request if the receiving lab cannot
  • Your sample is sent to the appropriate lab
  • The testing lab conducts that necessary tests or calibrations, then uploads the results to the receiving lab
  • Claim your results personally or via email, regular mail or fax

Listed below are the most common samples DOST-IX receives and sends out for testing and calibration:

Handled by DOST-IX RSTL
Samples Parameters
Pressure Gauge Calibration for Pressure Gauge
Digital / Liquid-In-Glass Thermometer Calibration for Thermometer
Water Fecal Streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Referred to other DOST Laboratories
Waste Water Zinc, Chromium, and Copper

The DOST-IX's testing and calibrating capabilities however, are not limited to those stated above. For detailed information on what the various laboratories of the DOST-IX can offer you, please call (062) 991-1024 or text 0917 705 4686 and look for Bernadette Belamide or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Facebook page at (Bon Padayhag, DOST-IX Press Release)

The Department of Science and Technology IX continues to offer FREE e-learning courses to all interested parties at the DOST-Science and Technology Information Center (DOST-STIC) office on the 2nd floor of the MCC Bldg. on San Jose road, Zamboanga City.

The course bundle includes the following modules:

  • Basic Computer Operation
  • Word Processing Software Basics
  • Spreadsheet Application Basics
  • Presentation Software Basics

Those interested in the program are required to form a group (minimum of 7 members, maximum of 10) to avail of the training. DOST-STIC requires the group to register and select their preferred session. Each session lasts for 4 hours and may be taken in the morning or afternoon. A participant that successfully completes a course is awarded with the certificate of completion. Snacks and learning materials are also provided for free.

For more information, please call (062) 955-3654 or text 0917 705 4686 and look for Ian Avenido or us email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Facebook page at (Bon Padayhag, DOST-IX Press Release)

The STARBOOKS digital library is available for FREE at the Department of Science and Technology IX.

STARBOOKS or Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosk Stations is a digital library that allows users access to over 500,000 local and foreign S&T resources in text, video, and audio formats, which include digitized journals, serial publications, reference materials, and other sci-tech resources found in the DOST-STII (Science and Technology Information Institute)'s libraries.

 Local government units, non-government organizations, and educational institutions may avail of the free technology. The INSTALLATION of STARBOOKS is FREE. Guidelines for interest parties are stated below:

  • Make a formal request (Letter addressed to the DOST IX Regional Director)
  • Ensure Compliance to requirements (Hardware specifications listed below and manpower components)
  • MoU signing

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

  • 1 Terabyte of Hard Drive
  • 2 Gigabytes of RAM
  • Intel Core i3
  • Motherboard (Compatible with Processor, RAM, and Hard Drive)
  • Optical Drive (DVD-RW)
  • Monitor
  • USB Keyboard/ Mouse
  • Headset/Speaker
  • Operating System (Windows 7 or higher)
  • Space Measuring 3m x 4m (with specifications for physical set up of the kiosk)
  • Mandatory 1-2 days training
  • Focal Person (Preferably your organization's IT personnel, librarians or both)
  • Provide training for clients’ designated focal person (IT, librarian or both)

For more information on STARBOOKS, please call (062) 955-3654 or text 0917 705 4686 and look for Ian Avenido or Bon Padayhag. Email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Facebook page at (Bon Padayhag, DOST IX Press Release)

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