ONLY SIX WEEKS REMAIN - Register now and take advantage of our free registration offer until 31 July 2015.

Forum 2015 is hosted by the Philippine Department of Science and Technology and Department of Health (DOH), in partnership with the Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), to be held at the Philippine International Convention Center, Manila, Philippines on 24-27 August 2015 Beyond the plenary sessions, the conference will address a range of topics about increasing the effectiveness of research and innovation through Social Accountability, Increasing Investments and Country-driven Capacity Building. The conference tracks will also discuss the role of research and innovation in improving Food and Nutrition Safety and Security, Health in Megacities and Disaster- risk Reduction. We have now 130 confirmed speakers available at More than ever, Forum 2015 will also feature a wide-range of interactive, high-impact activities such as New Leaders Forum, Global Health Debates, IT4Health, Photo Exhibits and Film Festival that will present an excellent opportunity for you and your colleagues in your organization to engage with the most influential actors in research and innovation. As a valued partner in health research, we are offering free registration to participants from your institution. To register, please fill up the needed information indicated below. Your presence, as well as your colleagues in your organization, is very important.


The International Science and Technology and Innovation Centre (ISTIC) for South-South Cooperation under the Auspices of UNESCO is inviting participants to the International Forum on Harnessing Women’s Talents in Science, Technology and Innovation which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 25-26 May 2015.

The main objective of the forum is to share perspectives in devising strategies to address the imbalance of women participation at the leadership level in science, technology and engineering in the business and government sectors. Relative to this, we are seeking assistance in nominating candidate(s) to participate in the forum. The participant must possess the following minimum criteria:

  • Holding a senior position in the organization involved in women’s affairs
  • Has good command  of the English language (both oral and written)
  • Must be in good health

The organizers will provide hotel accommodation and local hospitality for the duration of the forum to selected international participants. Since the organizers will not provide travel grants to the participants, international airfare will be shouldered by the sending agency.

Interested participants are required to complete the application form which can be downloaded along with the brochure from http://www.istic-unesco.organd submit to Ms. Charlene Basig thru email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 30 April 2015.

For more information, please visit


In line with the growing number of transgenders in the country who are currently taking self-prescribed hormone replacement therapy,  the Department of Science and Technology through the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) has approved a grant for the study entitled “Clinical and Metabolic Profile of Male-to-Female Transgender in Zamboanga City”.

Dr. Alex Y. Pang, Jr., researcher and medical resident of Zamboanga City Medical Center, said that the study aims to increase awareness not only among male to female transsexuals, but also among health practitioners on the effects of taking self-prescribed cross-sex hormone therapy.   The treatment of such individuals to acquire the physical appearance of other sex is through hormonal treatment or surgical manipulation.   The study will also determine the characteristics of transgender currently or previously on cross-sex hormonal treatment.

Aside from gaining a better knowledge and understanding on the results or consequences of taking self-prescribed hormonal replacement therapy, the research findings will also help the Department of Health (DOH) in conducting thorough investigation and research on related issues which will contribute to policy formulation to regulate the use of the same.

The research will receive funding assistance amounting to Two Hundred Thirty Two Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Three pesos (PhP232,223.00) from the DOST-PCHRD,  through the Zamboanga Consortium for Health Research and Development (ZCHRD).  The study is expected to start this March and shall be completed within in six months.

PCHRD is one of the three sectoral councils of the DOST. It is a forward-looking, partnership-based national body responsible for coordinating and monitoring health research activities in the country.   

ZCHRD was organized to optimize the use of research in alleviating health and nutrition problems of the people in the region.  The consortium is chaired by Dr. Teresita Montaño of Ateneo de Zamboanga University (ADZU).    DOST-PCHRD provides financial and technical support to the consortium.  DOST-IX serves as the secretariat of the consortium. (DOST IX PRESS RELEASE)


Keio University Medical Science Fund is now accepting nominations for the Keio Medical Science Prize 2015. Established in 1996, Keio University annually awards the Keio Medical Science Prize to recognize researchers who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of medicine or life sciences.

Keio Medical Science Prize 2015


  • Nominee must have a breakthrough in the fields of medicine and life sciences, and/or related fields.
  • Nominee must have an outstanding contribution to basic and clinical medicine.



            13 selection committee members and over 60 specialists from various fields, within and outside Keio University, will select laureates through rigorous review process.



            Nominees must be currently active in their field of research, and be expected to make future contributions to the field.



            Each laureate receives a certificate of merit, medal and a monetary award of 10 million yen.



  • Individuals are limited to one nomination each.
  • Institutions or organizations may make as many nomination as they can.
  • In case of multiple nominations, nominations are limited to One nominee per research theme.


Note: A nomination should be for one researcher. Keio University does not accept nominations for groups.


Nomination Materials

  • Nomination form (*can be downloaded from
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae
  • Nominee’s bibliography
  • Copy of major publications (maximum of 5, each major publication must be a separate PDF file.)


Please send all materials listed above in separate PDF format files via email to

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by post to:


Office of the Keio University Medical Science Fund

                  35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan


Online nomination is also available at



      Nominations for 2015 must reach the Office of the Keio University Medical Science Fund by March 10, 2015.


For more information, visit


             In line with the national policy requiring all researches involving human subjects to undergo ethical review and clearance before implementation to ensure safety, dignity, and well-being of research participants, the Zamboanga Consortium for Health Research and Development (ZCHRD) conducted an “Advanced Training-Workshop on Research Ethics” last January 7-8 at LM Hotel, Tetuan, Zamboanga City.


            The training was in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD), Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) and Western Mindanao State University (WMSU).


            Around 50 participants composed of local researchers, medical specialists, nurses and professors from WMSU, Ateneo de Zamboanga University (ADZU), Zamboanga City Medical Center (ZCMC), Brent Hospital and Colleges Incorporated have actively participated in the two-day training.


            The participants were taught on how to develop the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to attain quality assurance and enable the participating institutions to register and accredit with PHREB, as required by DOST AO No. 001 s. 2008 and CHED Memorandum Order 34 s. 2007, respectively.


            For an Ethics Review Committee (ERC) to pass the accreditation, it has to meet the following criteria: functionality of the structure and membership; adequacy of the SOP and consistency in its implementation; adherence to international, national and institutional guidelines and policies; completeness of the review process; adequacy of the after-review procedures; adequacy of administrative support for ERC activities; and efficient and systematic recording and archiving. Deadline of application for accreditation to PHREB is on March 15, 2015.


            The resource persons were Dr. Marita Reyes, Chair of National Ethics Committee (NEC) and former UPM Chancellor and Dr. Ricardo M. Manalastas, Jr., NEC member. NEC is an independent body whose main function is to review health research in the Philippines. PHREB serves as the main policy making body on health research ethics.


ZCHRD was organized to optimize the use of research in alleviating health and nutrition problems of the people in Region IX. The consortium receives financial and technical support from the DOST-PCHRD. DOST-IX serves as the consortium secretariat. (DOST IX PRESS RELEASE)

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