The DOST-PCHRD Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products provides fund support to all undergraduate students who will conduct their thesis on natural products. The program aims to sustain a research culture in natural products to increase the number of research and later on build a pool of researchers/experts specializing in the field. The program supports he Drug Discovery and Development program of the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) which aims to develop safe, effective and affordable alternative drugs from the country’s natural resources.

Thesis grants will be given to 2 undergraduate entries per region. After completion of the project, a competition will be held to selected qualified students to recognize innovative work on natural products.


1. Who can apply

All undergraduate students of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Nursing and Health and Allied Sciences who have thesis proposals on natural products may apply. The proposed thesis study must use plants indigenous in the region. The project must be completed a year after receiving the grant.

2. How to apply

Applicants should submit the following documents to the Regional Health Research and Development Consortium (RHRDC):

a) Duly accomplished prescribed research proposal form with college seal
b) Endorsement letter from the institution signed by the head of the university college dean
c) Soft copy of the proposal (word format) 
d) Hard copy of the proposal using A4 paper (3 copies)
e) Certificate of plant authentication
f) Appropriate clearances:
Bureau of Animal Industry clearance for studies involving animal subjects
Biosafety Clearance for studies involving genetic engineering and pathogenic organisms
National Commission on Indigenous Peoples Clearance for studies involving Indigenous Peoples
Gratuitous Permit from Biodiversity Management Bureau for studies involving collection of flora and fauna from DENR Protected Areas
Ethical clearance for studies involving human subjects
g) Curriculum vitae of the students and adviser using the prescribed form


The research proposals will be rated based on the following criteria:

Proposal evaluation

1. Technical merit
• Objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound
• The study design supports the objectives
• The study sample and methodology are appropriate

2. Data management
• The plan for data collection is clearly described
• Quality control procedures for data collection are in place
• Statistical analysis is well described

3. Relevance/Significance
• The study addresses an important health problem
• The study contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge

4. Proponent/institution’s capacity
• The investigators are qualified and appropriately trained to carry out the study
• The proposed study is appropriate to the experience level of the investigators
• The implementing/cooperating institution is capable of carrying out the proposed study


Deliberation of thesis grantees and winners will be based on the grading/rating during the en banc meeting and oral presentation, respectively.


• Regional Health Research and Development Consortium - for prescreening
• UP Institute of Chemistry
• UST Research Center for the Natural Sciences
• DLSHSI Center for Biopharmaceutical Research
• Gruppo Medica Inc
• Herbanext Laboratories Inc.


• Two (2) thesis proposals will be selected per region who will receive a grant amounting to a maximum of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P 50,000.00).
• The thesis fund will be deposited to the bank account of the thesis adviser and will be liquidated after the completion of the study
• A Memorandum of Agreement will be signed between the students, adviser, head of the institution and DOST-PCHRD
• The grant must be expended based on the approved line-item budget


After the oral presentation, fund support will be provided to the top 3 relevant and innovative thesis studies. Prizes will be distributed as follows:

Frist prize = P 30,000.00

P 20,000.00 for the student


P 10,000.00 for the adviser

Second prize = P 22,000.00

P 15,000.00 for the student


P 7,000.00 for the adviser

Third prize = P 15,000.00

P 10,000.00 for the student


P 5,000.00 for the adviser

Consolation prize

P 5,000 per group

Finalists will receive a plaque of recognition.




Dissemination and application of entries

January to March

Deadline of submission to the consortium

end of May

Deadline of submission to DOST-PCHRD

2nd week of June

Selection of thesis grantees by the Selection Committee

June to July

Conduct of study

August to May of the succeeding year

Submission of completed studies to DOST-PCHRD

1st  week of June of the succeeding year

Selection of oral presentors by the Selection Committee

June to July

Oral Presentation and Announcement of Winners



Jesselle S. Laranas, DOST-PCAARRD S&T Media Services

Partner organizations of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD), particularly from the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country expressed the need for more Balik Scientists to help in their research and development (R&D) initiatives. This was made apparent during the one-day Balik Scientist Program (BSP) Consultation Meeting held recently in Cebu City. 

For the past 42 years that the program has existed, there are more than 500 Filipino experts overseas who have been part of the BSP, with around 180 scientists eventually repatriating in the country. 

“We need to have a more proactive approach to enjoin more Filipino scientists overseas to come back to the country. Through the Balik Scientist Program, they can contribute to the country’s efforts on national growth and development through science, technology, and innovation,” said Dr. Melvin B. Carlos, OIC Deputy Executive Director for Administration, Resource Management, and Support Services of PCAARRD.

The consultation was organized to identify the expertise needed by host institutions, which are predominantly HEIs.

“Aside from engaging more Filipino expats into the program, we also want to have more HEIs in the regions involved in the BSP,” said Dr. Juanito T. Batalon, Director of PCAARRD’s Institution Development Division, which implements the BSP for the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector.

According to the HEIs present in the consultation workshop, fields of specialization needed from potential Balik Scientists include virology, plant breeding, crop modeling, bioinformatics, crop physiology, precision agriculture, nanotechnology, molecular genetics, agricultural extension, and agriculture and rural development, coastal resources management, carbon stock assessment, among others. 

BSP will be institutionalized following the passing of the Senate Bill no. 1533, otherwise known as the Balik Scientist Act.

Under the said bill, Balik Scientists will enjoy enhanced benefits and incentives. The bill has also established a medium-term engagement of six months to one year, apart from the existing short-term engagement (one to three months) and long-term engagement (two to three years).

Long-term Balik Scientists will also receive new benefits including subsistence allowance, support in securing job opportunities for the awardee’s spouse, and admission support for their children. In addition, the awardee will receive funding for R&D projects which may include establishment and development of a facility or laboratory for the awardee’s host institution.

Together with PCAARRD, BSP is also implemented by the DOST-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD), which cover Balik Scientists in the health industry and the DOST-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) for those BSP engagements in the Industry, Energy, Emerging Technology, and Special Concerns.

 Jasper Marie Oblina-Rucat

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, March 16 (PIA) -- National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL) academian shared, during the regional scientific meeting held in Cagayan de Oro City from 12-13 March 2018, that they have considered to incorporate the uniqueness of Mindanao, its culture and heritage as it will influence sustainability and resiliency of the region.

In Talakayan sa PIA on 12 March 2018, Dr. Rhodora Azanza pointed out that the uniqueness of Mindanao is overarching and will have an impact in the development in the region. She said that they are focusing on how to address the three United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) particularly on Clean Water Sanitation, Sustainable Cities and Communities and Life on Land.

Department of Science and Technology (DOST) region 11 Director Dr. Anthony Sales, in the same forum, emphasized that DOST recognizes the need to consider the culture, the multi ethnic and multi faith of peoples in Mindanao because each one has a voice. “We need to consider their inputs in planning and decision making," he added.

In fact, he cited that in development, we need to protect the heritage that we have, not only to the natural heritage but the heritage associated with the peoples we have in Mindanao.

In region 10, DOST Regional Director Alfonso Alamban explained that 80% of establishments of northern Mindanao is into food processing. He said, they have numerous programs assisting the food sector. Further, existing project is being strengthened particularly the Food Innovation Center in University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP). Two technology business incubation in the region and also technology parks are also being developed, he said.

Dr. Sales, on the other hand, said that DOST is now in the process of enhancing the capabilities of the regional standards and testing laboratory. As part of the provision in the TRAIN law, DOST is tasked to test and analyze sugar content of beverages.

Sales said, there are some unscrupulous manufacturers who are using sweeteners which are already band in the US and EU. In the pursuit of protecting our consumers, we are going to have our products analyzed for artificial sweeteners on top of sugars, he added.

Among the thrust of DOST in this administration is the dispersion of research and development resources down to the regions. Alamban said they have new programs to really enhance the culture of research and development in the regions at the same time business innovation through science and technology and enterprise development.

In terms of scholarships, Alamban cited that they are aggressive with their scholarship programs to encourage incoming college students to take up science courses.

In the country, there are only 270 scientists per million, but UN recommends 380 per million. Alamban said more importantly, these DOST scholars when they graduate should also move to research. Because some science graduates would find opportunities in the finance world. The important thing is they have to contribute to research and development, he said.

Sales also pointed out that aside from lagging behind the number of scientists in the country, we also lag behind gross expenditures on Research and Development (R&D) which is measured in percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We are still at .14% way below of UN standard of at least 1% of GDP.

But the budget of DOST has been increasing, Sales said. In 2018, we are in the level of P20B but that is not enough to what they are providing in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. But national government is already aware of the importance of science and technology in development, he said.

Azanza added that although we lack in numbers of scientists in the country but we have the bests in the world. She said that women have also been contributing in the world of science, of whom opinions and findings are valued.

She also said that in order to apply science and technology for development, good governance must come in. (JMOR/PIA10)


The two firms will also be able to draft where critical power facilities can be viable.

The collaboration will enhance the energy sector’s capacity in terms of determining the areas of concern for earthquake incidents using a software called Rapid Earthquake Damage Assessment System (REDAS).

REDAS is a tool for emergency preparedness, contingency planning and mainstreaming disaster risk reduction on the on the adverse effect of the earthquake.

The Filipino-made software will benefit the power sector by having a near real-time simulated earthquake hazard information that can guide in the assessment of the on-ground situation.

Under the partnership, both the DOE and PHIVOLCS will undergo REDAS training, share knowledge and resources to complement each other on the implementation of the program, among other assistance and cooperation needed to attain goals and objectives in preparing the power sector on possible earthquake hazards.

“What we lack in the planning in the past years is to have a grasp of enormity of the potential impact of a disaster before it happens. We need to be able to imagine based on science and technology and engineering,” DOST undersecretary Renato Solidum Jr. said.

DOE Secretary Alfonso Cusi said that there are looking to promote energy resiliency within the sector as President Duterte made many pronouncements in improving the disaster resiliency of the country.

“Our partnership will bring us closer to achieving an energy sector that is sustainable and able to withstand and quickly recover from the impacts of human-induced and natural hazards,” he said.

The Department of Science and Technology- Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the DOST-PCHRD – Undergraduate Thesis Grant on Natural Products.


The search is open to all undergraduate students of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Nursing, and Health and Sciences who have thesis proposals on natural products for the current school year.


Deadline of submission of nominations is on May 25, 2018. A thesis grant amounting to Fifty thousand Pesos (50,000.00) will be given to two (2) thesis proposals in the region.


A Memorandum of Agreement will be signed between the students, adviser, head of the institution, and DOST-PCHRD. The thesis fund will be deposited to the bank account of the thesis adviser and will be liquidated with corresponding receipts after completion of the study. The grant must be expended based on the approved line-item budget.


After completion of the study, six (6) finalists will be chosen to present their research during the Philippine National Health Research Systems (PNHRS) week celebration.


Three (3) winners will be selected from the six finalists and will receive cash prizes; Thirty Thousand Pesos (30,000.00) for the first prize, Twenty-Two Thousand Pesos (22,000.00) for the second prize, and Fifteen Thousand Pesos (15,000.00) for the third prize winner.


Researches will be judged using the following criteria:


  1. Technical Merit
  • Objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound;
  • The study designs support the objectives; and
  • The study sample and methodology are appropriate.


  1. Data Management
  • The plan for data collection is clearly described;
  • Quality control procedures for data collection are in place; and
  • Statistical Analysis is well described.


  1. Relevance/ Significance
  • The study addresses an important health problem; and
  • The study contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge.


  1. Proponent/ institution’s capacity
  • The investigators are qualified and appropriately trained to carry out the study;
  • The proposed study is appropriate to the experience level of the investigator; and
  • The implementing institution is capable of carrying out the proposed study.


For details, please call (062) 991-1024 or (065) 212- 2244 and look for Mr. Nur Eldeen M. Echeverria or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DOSTRegion9 (Michael Daryll Ericson de Leon, DOST IX Press Release)

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