OneLab Network, a platform developed by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) had recently been awarded the Benita & Catalino Yap Foundation (BCYF) Innovation Award under the government category.
The BCYF recognizes innovative products, services, technologies, or initiatives that transform organizations through improvements that are sustainable, demonstrable and measurable.
Having proved itself to be so is the platform's innovation in service delivery where it saw the integration of DOST’s regional and research institutes’ laboratories as well as other non-DOST laboratories all over the country into a network to provide easy-access to the testing and calibration services for the manufacturing industries and the public in general.
The leadership of then DOST-IX Regional Director and now DOST Undersecretary for Regional Operations, USec. Brenda L. Nazareth-Manzano, DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI) Director Dr. Ma. Patricia V. Azanza, and the efforts of cluster heads Dr. Julius Ceasar V. Sicat (Northern Luzon), Dr. Alexander R. Madrigal (Southern Luzon), Engr. Rowen R. Gelonga (Visayas), and Dr. Anthony C. Sales (Mindanao), Regional Directors of DOST III, IVA, VI and XI respectively, saw the OneLab project internationally recognized and accredited to ISO 17025:2005 “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.”
Because of its internationally accredited ratings, customers are assured of accurate and complete instructions regarding their testing requirements. A customer portal that is available on three online platforms (Web, Android and iOS) and can be accessed through the portal, it allows customers to track the status of their requests.
Since going online on October 2015, the project has facilitated 153 referrals of 434 samples across the country requiring 575 tests and calibration.
For more information on OneLab, please call (062) 991-1024 or text 0917 722 4118 and look for Rosemarie S. Salazar or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Facebook page at (Bon Padayhag, DOST-IX Press Release)