Congratulations to the National Finalists who will be representing the Region-IX on various competitions for both Professional and Student Categories on completed health research projects for the upcoming 15th Philippine National Health Research System Week (PNHRS) Celebration.

The health research community will be celebrating the Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) Week on 08 – 12 August 2022, with the theme “Health Research: Responding to Challenges towards National Recovery and Resiliency”. It will be hosted by the Central Luzon Health Research and Development Consortium (CLHRDC) and the Department of Science and Technology III (DOST III), and conducted in a hybrid format of face-to-face and virtual conference. The face-to-face activities will be held at the Clark Marriot Hotel, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, to be attended by a total of 250 persons and streamed via Zoom and Facebook Live for the virtual participants.

The conference will serve as a venue for plenary speakers and participants alike to share knowledge, insights, and experiences in handling health crises and other related emergencies and disasters through science-based strategies, evidence-based approaches, and resilient health systems, as well as present health research outputs.

There are several activities during the celebration of the Philippine National Health Research System Week (PNHRS) which highlights the completed health research projects conducted by the member institutions of all the Regional Health Research and Development Consortia. These activities includes: 3-Minute Pitch to Policymaker Competition; Oral Research Paper Presentation and Research Poster Contest (Professional and Student Categories); Visual Abstract Poster Competition (Professional and Student Categories) and Oral Research Paper Competition for the Grantees of the DOST-PCHRD Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products. 

The Zamboanga Consortium for Health Research and Development (ZCHRD) endorsed all potential entries from its member institution to the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development’s initial screening that will represent the Region IX for the said annual event. The finalists on professional category  will be competing face-to-face at Clark Marriot Hotel in Pampanga hence the student category will be via Zoom breakout room session. 

Mr. Joezerk P. Biel of the Zamboanga City Medical Center won the Regional 3-Minute Pitch to Policymaker Competition conducted by the consortium and was able to qualify as finalist to the main event's 3-Minute Pitch to Policymaker Competition. The consortium also endorsed two (2) of its funded research from member institution under DOST-PCHRD Regional Research Fund. Ms. Fatimae I. Mariano, a faculty from Universidad de Zamboanga with her study entitled “Antioxidant and Anti-arthritic Activity of Peels from Citrus” was able to qualify as finalist for the Oral Research Paper Presentation (Professional Category). Dr. Servando D. Halili, Jr., Associate Professor from Zamboanga State College for Marine Sciences and Technology with his study entitled “The Presence of Microplastics in the Five Most Commonly Sold Fishes in Zamboanga City” qualified as national finalist for the Visual Abstract Poster Competition (Professional Category). For the Student Category, Ms. Kailla Louise Portia M. Vios of Mindanao State University-Buug Campus have also been chosen as finalists with her study entitled "Measuring the Level of Stress and Fear Among Registered Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Zamboanga Sibugay. 

the last finalist to be shortlisted by the DOST-PCHRD is none other than Mr. Wenzel E. Perian of Western Mindanao State University. Mr. Perian research study entitled "AntiTumor and Antiangiogenic Activities of Crude Methanolic Seaweed Extracts of Solieria Robusta (Greville) Kylin, 1932" was able to qualify under student category for the Oral Research Paper Competition for the Grantees of the DOST-PCHRD Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products. To date, Region IX has 5 out of 6 entries to the 15th Philippine National Health Research System Week (PNHRS) Celebration. 

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