On December 2016, The Department of Science and Technology IX (DOST-IX) met with officials from the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Josefina, Zamboanga del Surfor the implementation of the agency’s Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) Program.

The DOST-IX team with Vice Mayor Teresito D. Villas last December 2016


          As part of the Basic Education and Literacy entry point of the CEST program, the deployment of 10 STARBOOKS (Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosk Stations) units– a digital library filled to the brim with science and technology resources – by 2017 was agreed upon by the meeting parties.


          The meeting, led by then Regional Director now DOST Undersecretary for Regional Operations Brenda L. Nazareth-Manzano, has finally come to fruition last June 23, 2017.


Keeping their Word


          A turnover ceremony, as well as an orientation seminar for the use of the 10 STARBOOKS units was held atJosefina Elementary School. The event was attended by close to 80 participants who included principals, ICT personnel, and students from the municipality’s schools, with members of the DOST-IX, led by OIC-Assistant Regional Director for Finance, Administrative Support and Technical Services,Rosemarie S. Salazar, who represented the agency on behalf of the OIC- Regional Director Martin A. Wee.

The turnover ceremony in Josefina, Zamboanga del Sur


The 10 schools that received the technology are as follows: Dawa National High School, Bogo Calabat Integrated School (Elementary and High School), Leonardo National High School, Upper Bag-Ong Tudela Elementary School, Mansanas Elementary School, Litapan Elementary School, Leonardo Elementary School, Josefina Central Elementary School, and Dawa Elementary School.


At the Same Time


          Anotherturnover was held in Zamboanga City, this time with the Luhayan Elementary Schoolat the receiving end. Here,the OIC-ORD, Mr. Martin A. Wee oversaw the deployment which resulted in the operation of a 10-unit STARBOOKS network in the school.

Students and teachers of Luyahan Elementary School strike a pose with the STARBOOKS team



          The STARBOOKS digital library is available for FREE at the Department of Science and Technology IX Science and Technology Information Center (DOST-STIC) At present, STARBOOKS allows users access to over 500,000 local and


ForeignS&T resources in text, video, and audio formats, which include digitized journals, serial publications, reference materials, and other sci-tech resources found in the DOST-STII (Science and Technology Information Institute)'s libraries.


          Local government units, non-government organizations, and educational institutions may avail of the free technology. Guidelines for interest parties are stated below:


  • Make a formal request (Letter addressed to the DOST IX Regional Director)
  • Ensure Compliance to requirements (IT and manpower components)
  • Purchase equipment (specifications listed below)
  • MOU signing


          Minimum Hardware Requirements:


  • 1 Terabyte of Hard Drive
  • 2 Gigabytes of RAM
  • Intel Core i3
  • Motherboard (Compatible with Processor, RAM, and Hard Drive)
  • Optical Drive (DVD-RW)
  • Monitor
  • USB Keyboard/ Mouse
  • Headset/Speaker
  • Operating System (Windows 7 or higher)



  • Space Measuring 3mX4m (with specifications for physical set up of the kiosk)
  • Mandatory 1-2 days training
  • Focal Person (Preferably your organization's IT personnel, librarians or both)
  • Provide training for clients’ designated focal person (IT, librarian or both)


          The INSTALLATION of STARBOOKS and its kiosk is FREE.


          For more information on STARBOOKS, please call (062) 955-3654 or text 0917 705 4686 and look for Ian Avenido or Bon Padayhag. Email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DOSTRegion9

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