TABLET AND LEGO DONATION. Department of Science and Technology-Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST-STII) Director Richard Burgos and FELTA Multi Media Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer Mylene Abiva displays the study tablet and Lego Robotics, which was donated by FELTA at the DOSTv Studio PAGASA Weather and Flood Forecasting Center in Quezon City on Monday (Feb. 5, 2018). The DOST and FELTA signed a memorandum of agreement for a three-year partnership to build a Center for the Arts in Science and Technology (CAST). (PNA photo by Ben Briones)



MANILA — The Department of Science and Technology – Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST-STII) on Monday sealed partnership with private company, FELTA Multimedia, Inc, to.expand its library services.

The STII will launch the Center for the Arts in Science and Technology (CAST) in March, in time for its anniversary.

The STII is mandated to establish and develop science and technology library, disseminate information and take lead in science and technology information training.

“We used to have just a corner in our office that has educational materials. We normally have bus loads of children visiting STII and the NAST (National Academy of Science and Technology),” STII Director Richard Burgos told the Philippine News Agency at the sidelines of the signing of the agreement in Quezon City.

He said this was why the STII had approached FELTA, because the company offered educational solutions and robotics, and added that robots are interesting for students.

“We wanted to provide them (students) with demo activities, with educational materials they could use each time they visit us,” Burgos said.

DOST described FELTA as a company that provides multi-educational line that serves the educational requirements of both public and private schools. It has tied up with various multimedia publishers and manufacturers.

The agreement, signed at the DOSTv studio in Quezon City, would run for three years.

Under the agreement, FELTA would provide sets of LEGO EV3 and Yoga laptops. The company would also hold training sessions at CAST or webinars using the DOSTv studio.

For its part, FELTA would be provided with booths during DOST events such as during the celebration of the National Science and Technology Week every July. FELTA could also access CAST and DOSTv facilities for mutually agreed activities.

“FELTA’s main benefit from this partnership is the free exposure they could get for their products/solutions,” Burgos said.

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