Did you know the DOST-PCHRD gives R&D grants for undergraduate research studies?

The program supports the Tuklas Lunas (Drug Discovery and Development) program of the DOST-PCHRD, which aims to develop safe, effective, and affordable alternative drugs from the country’s natural resources.

Check out the 7 grantees of our Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products program in 2021: CLICK THE HEADLINE FOR MORE INFO

Southern Luzon State University Western Mindanao State University University of Southern Mindanao Central Mindanao University Mindanao State University Main Campus - Marawi
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Seven undergraduate theses to receive grant from DOST-PCHRD

Congratulations to the qualified grantees of the 2021 Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products!

The Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products provides fund support to undergraduate students who will conduct their thesis on natural products. The program aims to sustain a research culture in natural products to increase the number of research and later on build a pool of researchers/experts specializing in the field. The program supports the Tuklas Lunas (Drug Discovery and Development) program of the DOST-PCHRD, which aims to develop safe, effective, and affordable alternative drugs from the country’s natural resources.

Every year, thesis grants are given to two qualified (2) undergraduate entries per region. For this year’s call, the following are the qualified entries from the regions:

1. Phytochemical Screening and Pharmacological Evaluation of Rhizophora muscronata Bark Extracts Collected from Lucena City, Philippines, Southern Luzon State University (SLSU)

The study aims to determine the phytochemical constituents and evaluate the pharmacological potentials of Rhizophora mucronata bark extract. Mr. John Joshua Bellen, grantee, will implement the said project under the mentorship of his thesis adviser, Mr. Roberth Riggs L. Rondilla.

2. Morphological, Molecular and Phytochemical Analyses of the Three Medicinal Plants used as a ritual liniment by the Subanons of Sibuco, Zamboanga del Norte, Western Mindanao State University 

The study aims to conduct morphoanatomical, molecular and phytochemical analyses of the three medicinal plants used as ritual liniment by the Subanons of Sibuco, Zamboanga del Norte. The grantees, Moyanrose B. Edding, Shaina Mae S. Evangelista and Yusof K. Ortiz, will implement the project under the mentorship of  Dr. Genelyn Madjos.

3. Antitumor and Antiangiogenic Activities of Crude Methanolic Seaweed Extracts of Solieria robusta (Greville) Kylin, 1932, Western Mindanao State University 

The study aims to evaluate the potential of Solieria robusta Crude Methanolic Extracts as an anticancer agent by investigating its antitumor and antiangiogenic activities in the MTT (3-[4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2, 5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) Assay and in the duck chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) Assay, respectively. Mr. Wenzell E. Perian, grantee, will implement the said project under the mentorship of his thesis adviser, Dr. Melbert C. Sepe.

4. Exploring the Philippine Endemic Hornstedtia conoidea Fruit and Etlingera elatior Inflorescence: Its Metabolite Profile and Antioxidant Activity and its Potential for Functional Powder Development, Central Mindanao University

The study aims at profiling the metabolites in the plants to characterize the components, as well as to provide baseline information in order to assess the safety of the endemic fruit that is consumed by the locals without safety verification. Mr. Jason C. Alcano, grantee, will implement the said project under the mentorship of his thesis adviser, Dr. Gina B. Barbosa.

5. Phytochemical Analysis and In vitro Antiurolithiatic Activity Evaluation of Tangisang-bayauak (Ficus variegata Blume) Leaf Extract, University of Southern Mindanao

The study aims to determine the presence of the phytochemicals and evaluate the in vitro antiurolithiatic activity of tangisang-bayauak (Ficus variegata Blume) leaf extract. 

Ms. Ivy Jane M. Natavio, grantee, will implement the project under the mentorship of her thesis adviser,  Mr. Randy B. Tumacder.

6. Phytochemical Analysis and Evaluation of the In vitro Antiurolithiatic Activity of Alim (Melanolepis multiglandulosa (Reinw. ex Blume) Reichb. & Zoll.) Fruit and Leaf Extracts against Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stone, University of Southern Mindanao

The study aims to determine the presence of phytochemicals and evaluate the antiurolithiatic activity of M. multiglandulosa fruit and leaf extracts against calcium oxalate kidney stones. Mr. Mc Lin G. Data, grantee, will implement the project under the mentorship of his thesis adviser,  Mr. Randy B. Tumacder.

7. Anti-angiogenicity and Teratogenicity of Melanolepis multiglandulosa (Reinw. Ex. Blume) Stem Bark and Leaf Crude Ethanolic Extracts in Mallard Ducks (Anas Plathyrynchos) Embryo, Mindanao State University- Main Campus

The study aims to evaluate the anti-angiogenic and teratogenic effects of the stem bark and leaf crude ethanolic extract of M. multiglandulusa in A. platyrhynchos embryo. Ms. Amerah D. Samporna, grantee, will implement the project under the mentorship of Dr. Beverly B. Amparado.

After completion of their projects in May 2022, a competition will be held for selected qualified students to recognize their innovative work on natural products.


Source: https://www.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/news/6740-seven-undergraduate-theses-to-receive-grant-from-dost-pchrd?fbclid=IwAR3zezHM3ZP8HAzJKfYAsQpA2KCE6J0i3SZqGHw9znWKJJsfWkmngWMd-S4

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